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Seller's Permit
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Re-seller Permit ID



Re-seller Permit ID

A Re-seller Permit ID is the same as a seller's permit.  

With a seller's permit ( includes a Re-seller Permit ID/Reseller Number/resale certificate/Resale Permit ID/Reseller License Permit ), you can: 

  1. Buy wholesale ( large, bulk amounts ) and or
  2. Sell wholesale and or
  3. Sell retail ( in small amount or number of items ), and or
  4. Can lease equipment such as restaurant equipment or tools, or e.g., party rental equipment.


  1. Apply and obtain a seller's permit here,
  • Submit your business info,
  • Select state,
  • Select seller's permit,
  • We will file it and email it to you and / or mail it by regular mail.
  • It takes 1-5 days depending on your business state.
  1. The seller's permit will come with a resale certificate.
  2. If you sell wholesale, simply keep it, or when you are also buying wholesale, follow the process below.
  3.  Fill out and the resale certificate with your seller's permit number, and your business information, print and sign.
  4. Then, mail it or fax it to the wholesaler to buy the wholesale amount.
  5. Keep your seller's permit number and file taxes and pay the sales tax ( if you collect for retail sales ) to the government ( quarterly, semi annually, or annually depending on how the government will classify you - they will send you a letter telling you the frequency you will use to file and give the sales tax to the government ( if you collected any) .
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Permits You Need to Start
Seller's Permit
Business Permit
Wholesale Permit
State Tax Permit
Resale Permit
Reseller Permit
State ID Permit
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Seller's Permit
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Starts @         $39

 Hint: Add Your State's Fee to the $39 Fee To Find Out Total Price For Your Seller's Permit.


For example, CA Seller's Permit Total Price is $39 because there is no additional fees. 

A Seller's Permit is ALSO CALLED a resale ID, wholesale ID, retail ID, re-seller's license, state sales tax ID, tax ID, resale number, resale certificate, or vendor's license).  You will need it to buy or sell wholesale and sell in small amounts (retail).

1-5 Business Days.

There are 4 Business Permit Tax ID Numbers. A federal tax ID number (Federal EIN), a State Employer (State EIN) Tax ID Number, a State Sales Tax ID Number ( seller's permit / wholesale license), and a Business Tax Registration ID (Business License).
All Businesses need a business permit or business license  Businesses must register and have a business license before starting business.

When starting a business, you will need a business permit license, a federal tax ID number ( you can use your social security number or a federal ID if you are sole proprietor) and a fictitious business name DBA Doing Business As Certificate if you use a business name / trade name to do business under. 
If you sell wholesale or retail, or you want to purchase merchandise wholesale, you will need a seller's permit.   If you will hire employees, you will need a federal EIN, and a State EIN.  
Finally, you can incorporate or form an LLC. In such case, you will not need to register a fictitious business name.
You can obtain any or all of these documents here online.  Click on Get seller's permit on the side menu and submit your information. Then select state and then select the permits and tax IDs you need.

All Businesses need a business permit or business license  Businesses must register and have a business license before starting business.

When starting a business, you will need a business permit license, a federal tax ID number ( you can use your social security number or a federal ID if you are sole proprietor) and a fictitious business name DBA Doing Business As Certificate if you use a business name / trade name to do business under. 
If you sell wholesale or retail, or you want to purchase merchandise wholesale, you will need a seller's permit.   If you will hire employees, you will need a federal EIN, and a State EIN.  
Finally, you can incorporate or form an LLC. In such case, you will not need to register a fictitious business name.
You can obtain any or all of these documents here online.  Click on Get seller's permit on the side menu and submit your information. Then select state and then select the permits and tax IDs you need.


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Here Are The Permits, Tax  ID Number(s) & Other Registrations Required When Starting a Business

  • All Businesses need a Business Permit  & an Fictitious Business Name.
  • If you are a retailer or wholesaler, you will need minimum a Sellers Permit  , & a Business Permit  .

  • If you hire workers,  you will need minimum  a Federal Tax Id Number (EIN)   & State Employer Permit , & a Business Permit .

  • Corporations and LLC s need minimum a Federal Tax Id Number (EIN)  & a Business Permit .
  • Partners need minimum a Federal Tax Id Number (EIN)   a Fictitious Business Name  & a Business Permit .

  •  Sole Owner/Proprietors may get and use a Federal Tax Id Number (EIN)   as a Business Permit ID Number   & also minimum need a Business Permit .
  • Instead of filing an Fictitious Business Name , you can choose Incorporation or form an LLC  & You will not need an Fictitious Business Name  


  • Get Your Seller's Permit and Tax IDs Online Now!
